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Server Setup Guide

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Server Setup Guide Empty Server Setup Guide

Post by Crapper Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:04 pm

Here I will try to make a walkthrough for setting up your private server so others can join it. You'll know how to set a password on it, allow max number of players and more.

1: Setting up your launchscript

First off, you need to locate the script you want to launch. If you've used the installer I've made (can be downloaded here ) the launchscript can be found in C:\Program Files\Babo Violent 2 Pro\main\LaunchScript. The file you're looking for is called ctf.cfg. Double-click it and you'll most likely be asked about what program you want to use for opening it. Chose notepad and give yourself a pat on the back when you see it opening so that you can edit it.

set sv_autoBalance true/false
set sv_autoBalanceTime 4 //time in seconds//
set sv_baboStats true/false
set sv_beGoodServer true/false
set sv_bombTime 60
set sv_cgDamage 0.16
set sv_dmgDamage 0.14
set sv_enableBazooka true/false
set sv_enableChainGun true/false
set sv_enableDualMachineGun true/false
set sv_enableFlameThrower true/false
set sv_enableKnives true/false
set sv_enableMiniBot true/false
set sv_enableMolotov true/false
set sv_enableNuclear true/false
set sv_enablePhotonRifle true/false
set sv_enableSecondary true/false
set sv_enableShield true/false
set sv_enableShotgun true/false
set sv_enableSMG true/false
set sv_enableSniper true/false
set sv_enableVote true/false
set sv_explodingFT true/false
set sv_forceRespawn true/false
set sv_friendlyFire true/false
set sv_ftDamage 0.08
set sv_ftExpirationTimer 1.5
set sv_ftMaxRange 3.0
set sv_ftMinRange 3.0
set sv_ftType 0
set sv_gameName //a name for the server//
set sv_gamePublic true/false
set sv_gameTimeLimit 900.0 //time in seconds//
set sv_gameType 0
set sv_joinMessage "Welcome to the server"//welcome message of the server//
set sv_matchcode ''''
set sv_matchmode 0
set sv_maxPing 300
set sv_maxPlayer 12
set sv_maxPlayerInGame 0
set sv_maxTilesPerBabo 80.0
set sv_minSendInterval 1
set sv_minTilesPerBabo 55.0
set sv_nukeRadius 6.0
set sv_nukeReload 12.0
set sv_nukeTimer 3.0
set sv_password //password to join the server//
set sv_photonDamageCoefficient 0.5
set sv_photonDistMult 0.25
set sv_photonHorizontalShift 5.0
set sv_photonType 1
set sv_photonVerticalShift 0.325
set sv_port //port on which the server must run//
set sv_reflectedDamage true/false
set sv_roundTimeLimit 360.0 //time in seconds//
set sv_scoreLimit 50
set sv_sendJoinMessage true/false
set sv_serverType 1
set sv_shottyDamage 0.21
set sv_shottyDropRadius 0.4
set sv_shottyRange 7.0
set sv_showEnemyTag true/false
set sv_showKills true/false
set sv_slideOnIce true/false
set sv_smgDamage 0.1
set sv_sniperDamage 0.2
set sv_spawnType 0
set sv_subGameType 0
set sv_timeToSpawn 5.0 //time in seconds//
set sv_topView true/false
set sv_validateWeapons true/false
set sv_winLimit 7
set sv_zookaDamage 0.85
set sv_zookaRadius 0.2
set sv_zookaRemoteDet true/false

Where you see a true/false is where you can either enable or disable whatever is written in front of it. Where there's a number you can change that also. Download the BVPro Installer here and you'll find some more about the variables that can be used.
This is an example of a server, in this case the BV2 CTF Server - Beginners:

set sv_autoBalance true
set sv_autoBalanceTime 4
set sv_baboStats true
set sv_beGoodServer true
set sv_bombTime 60
set sv_cgDamage 0.16
set sv_dmgDamage 0.14
set sv_enableBazooka true
set sv_enableChainGun true
set sv_enableDualMachineGun true
set sv_enableFlameThrower true
set sv_enableKnives true
set sv_enableMiniBot false
set sv_enableMolotov true
set sv_enableNuclear false
set sv_enablePhotonRifle true
set sv_enableSecondary true
set sv_enableShield true
set sv_enableShotgun true
set sv_enableSMG true
set sv_enableSniper true
set sv_enableVote true
set sv_explodingFT false
set sv_forceRespawn false
set sv_friendlyFire false
set sv_ftDamage 0.08
set sv_ftExpirationTimer 1.5
set sv_ftMaxRange 3.0
set sv_ftMinRange 3.0
set sv_ftType 0
set sv_gameName BV2 CTF - Beginners
set sv_gamePublic true
set sv_gameTimeLimit 900
set sv_gameType 2
set sv_joinMessage "Welcome to the server"
set sv_matchcode
set sv_matchmode 0
set sv_maxPing 300
set sv_maxPlayer 12
set sv_maxPlayerInGame 0
set sv_maxTilesPerBabo 80.0
set sv_minSendInterval 1
set sv_minTilesPerBabo 55.0
set sv_nukeRadius 6.0
set sv_nukeReload 12.0
set sv_nukeTimer 3.0
set sv_password
set sv_photonDamageCoefficient 0.5
set sv_photonDistMult 0.25
set sv_photonHorizontalShift 5.0
set sv_photonType 1
set sv_photonVerticalShift 0.325
set sv_port 3333
set sv_reflectedDamage false
set sv_roundTimeLimit 360.0
set sv_scoreLimit 50
set sv_sendJoinMessage true
set sv_serverType 1
set sv_shottyDamage 0.21
set sv_shottyDropRadius 0.4
set sv_shottyRange 7.0
set sv_showEnemyTag true
set sv_showKills false
set sv_slideOnIce false
set sv_smgDamage 0.1
set sv_sniperDamage 0.2
set sv_spawnType 0
set sv_subGameType 0
set sv_timeToSpawn 5.0
set sv_topView true
set sv_validateWeapons true
set sv_winLimit 7
set sv_zookaDamage 0.85
set sv_zookaRadius 2.0
set sv_zookaRemoteDet false

2: Test the server (LAN test)

1 - Find the place where you installed Babo Violent. For the installer I've linked to it would in most cases be C:\Program Files\Babo Violent 2 Pro\. Find the file named "Dedicated 2.11E" (it will be an application that you can launch), double-click it and a black window will appear. Windows will most likely ask you to either block/unblock/ the application or if you want to be asked about it later. Unblock it and go to the black window again.
There you type "execute ctf" and the server is up and running. *if you've edited the launchscript and saved it as something else you'd type "execute ~filename~"

2 - Start Babo with the shortcut you have in the desktop or whereever you put it. Go to the gamerbowser and the first server you should see would be your own (the one where you have ping 0 and "LAN" is at the end of the servername. Connect to it and see if everything is as you want it to be. -nuke off, -MiniBot off, -molotov off or whatever settings you've chosen in the launchscript.

3 - Having tested your server to your satisfaction, you close Babo and the black window. *in some cases players can connect to your server without you havíng done anything about the ports but in most cases it's wise to forward the ports.

Let it rip!!

So, you've set up the server like you want it, here's the tricky part for most people. Forwarding the ports.
Things you need before you start:
The administration login and password for your router.
The routers IP.

1 - Login/Pass. Where do you find that information? Well, most people have it from their ISP, if your ISP didn't give you the information, call them and ask for the login and pass for your router. If you didn't get your router from your ISP, chances are that the login and pass are default for the router. Look for it in the manual (you know, the one you threw out along with the box the router arrived in) or do a google search. Things to write on google to find the information you need would be the make (fx. LinkSys) and the model (W654Gl-4f) and what you're looking for. The search would be something like: "linksys w654gl-4 ip", "linksys w654gl-4 login", "linksys w654gl-4 defaults" or other.
When you find what you need, go hunt for the routers IP. There are several ways to do this either use the command prompt typing "ipconfig" or google for it using the above mentioned searches (if nothing turns up on a google search, try other words).

2 - Now, you've got the IP of your router, the login and the pass, it's time to get this show on the road. Open whatever browser you use (Internet Explrer, Firefox, Google Chrome or whatever). In the address bar you type in the IP for your router, most times it something like,, or maybe something else. If your google search went well, you'll know it. Once inside the router hunt around for a place where you can make a backup of the current configuration of the router (this might well be called "System Tools"). Make a backup of the configuration and save it to your desktop for easy access.

3 - Here's where you'll be forwarding the ports at last. Go to and locate your router, if it's not there, use the general guide. Forward the ports that you've made your server run on with the command "set sv_port ××××" in your launchscript *default port is 3333. You'll be asked about the IP for the port also so for this to work you'll need to type in the IP of your PC. You can find this by: Start-> run-> type "cmd". This will open the commandprompt. Here you type "ipconfig /all. This shows you your IP (IP-Address) while here, also look for your Physical Address, it will look something like 00-12-f4-e2-56-d0. This is what's called a MAC-Address and you'll also need this for the router setup. Most routers have something called DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol something you really don't need to know but it's here as a bonus). This handles the IPs that are given to any PC that connects to the router. We want your server to have the same IP every time it connects to the router (every time you turn it on). Go to the lan function in your router to configure this. For most routers this is called "Static DHCP Leases/Lease Table" Make sure that your MAC-Address is always assigned the same IP (the one you used in the port forwarding section). Save all the settings (the router may or may not want to be restarted, do what it asks and have a cup of coffee, a joint or fap while it's applying the settings)

4 - Launch the server again using the file located in the Babo folder referred to earlier.Get your buddies rounded up on MSN (Yahoo, ICQ or whatever) and tell them to look for a server called ~your servername goes here~ and ask them to connect. If they can see the server (not as ??? or a red ping) and they can connect and play, you've done your job right and all is well. If things didn't go so well, you've either messed up the port forwarding (at least if the LAN test went well) or messed up the router. If the latter has happened, open your router, find the System Tools and upload the backup configuration file (that you didn't bother to make earler) and start over. A good idea is to test the settings of your router step by step by restarting the PC several times to be sure that you at least get assigned the same IP every time.

Setting the password/admin

By typing in a word after:
set sv_password
you've passworded the server so that noone can access it unless they have the password for it. The password must be in quotes. Wold look like:
set sv_password "unnamed56" or whatever you come up with.

For setting an admin user

set zsv_adminUser "your user name"
set zsv_adminPass "your password"
Again here it must be in quotes to work.

To set max number of players on the server:
set sv_maxPlayer 10 (or any other number
To set max players in a game:
set sv_maxPlayerInGame 2 (or any other umber)

- Crapper

Friendless Babo
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Server Setup Guide Empty Server Setup Guide - Part 2

Post by Crapper Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:34 pm

A few useful commands

Ok, we've gotten the server up and running, forwarded ports, set a password and an admin account. What good are those things if ppl get the pass from someone, join a game and you don't know how to get ppl off the server (except by shutting it down, change the password and restarting it).
First off there are some basic commands you should know for you to be able to handle your server. From the console in Babo (for some it's the "~" button, others it's "§" and some may use a different button all together). Whatever you use to go to the console.
Once there, you can press F1 or F2. F1 brings up the part of the console where you can see who kills who. F2 brings up the "chat" part of the console. We'll be focusing on the F1 part here.
Some basic commands:

1: playerlist - Shows a list of the players on the server (both on the map and in spec. Notice that each player has an ID and an IP attached to their name. The ID first, then the name and in the end the IP. Looks like this: [02] IP:215.555.8.424 or something like that.
2: maplist - Shows a list of the maps that are used in the rotation on the server
3: maplistall - Shows all the maps that are available on the server
4: more commands can be found by typind a questionmark "?" in the console.

Taking control

As stated earlier when typing "playerlist" in the console you get some information on the players that are on the server. This information is useful if you want to kick someone or maybe even worse, BAN Shocked them.
To do anything in the console as an admin, you first need to be accepted as an admin. If for example you've set your admin login and password to be:
Login: master
Pass: camp55fer
the command for getting accepted as an admin would be:
"admin master camp55fer" no quotes ofc. You'll see a green ACCEPTED and you're good to go (remember this is under the F1 part of the console. If you're under F2, you won't see any ACCEPTED). Now you have absolute power (unless you're not the one running the server OFC). From here on out you can be a good admin like I am or you can be an evil admin like Anette and Gloom Twisted Evil (j/k ppl)

ABUsing the power

In the console commands an admin needs to make pplfollow the rules are:
kick - kick a name (- kick

kickid - kcik a player with a specific id (useful if the player has a strange name. Lets say I have ID 01. You'd type: - kickid 1, press enter and I'm outta your server

banlist - In case you (or another admin) has banned someone on the server, you can use this command to see it.

ban - Well, if you don't know what this is... Don't play Babo lol

banid - The same as kickid. The difference is that if you write: - banid 1, I'm outta there for good (or at least until some admin unbans me)

banip - Some players change IP when they connect to the internet (this is caused by their ISP assigning them a new IP upon logon). This command bans an IP in case you didn't get that from the command itself.

unban - Yes, you can be nice to ppl also and unban them after you've banned them. Here, when you use the "banlist" command, you'll see a number in front of each person that has been banned. [213] could be the number I'm assigned in the banlist. If I've pleaded with you, admitted my wrongdoings and you feel I've suffered enough, type: - unban 213 in the console and I'm allowed to play again.

move - Uses a name instead of an ID.

moveid - moves an ID fromto Spec, blue or Red. -1 is spec. 0 is blue and 1 is red. The command would look like this: - moveid -1 1. The -1 is for blue team, the 1 is for the ID. If I had ID1 I'd be moved to blue from spec/red

allwatch - In case you feel the teams are unbalanced, type: - allwatch. This makes every player move to spec and they can Auto Assign to join the game again, mixing the teams up a bit.

nukeid - nukes a player with a specific ID

nukeall - Guess what happens here Twisted Evil

All the above mentioned commands start with a "-" so the command for a "banid" will look like "- banid 1".

- Crapper

Last edited by Crapper on Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:09 am; edited 2 times in total

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Server Setup Guide Empty Server Setup Guide - Part 3

Post by Crapper Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:17 am

So, we've got a server but, it's not all that we hoped it'd be. The bandwith can't handle too many players, ppl lag on the server or they can't connect due to "???" in the Game Browser.
OMMFG (an extra "M" here for "Mother") what to do... WHAT TO DO?
Fear not my fellow players cause there are places to go and ppl to talk to when this happens.
You can use pordesign. They provide some of the servers you see in the Game Browser but there are others as well. Find any you like and ask them if they'll host a server for you. Expect to pay for it though. Nothing is for free.

Good God, we've got a server but now what? I want a password on it, I want different admin and pass for the admins. The thing is , if you read the other guides, chances are you know how to accomplish the task but, what you may not know is how to edit a script that's not on your own PC. So, from me to you (newbs out there) here's how:
Download FileZilla the client (or another FTP client). Install it and you're good to go.
Open FileZilla and write in the things you got from the place you got the server.
Host: (if you use pordesign)
Username: You got that also
Password: Yes, this you also got from them
Port: 21 (how did I know it was supposed to say 21 here? Eh, I'm just that damn good, that's how Wink)

When you're logged in, this is what you see. Open the launchscript folder in the right hand window. This is not located on your PC although some seem to think it is.
Server Setup Guide 2915427040106532591S600x600Q85

Right-Click the config file in the LaunchScripts folder and chose view/edit
Server Setup Guide 2636277680106532591S600x600Q85

This is what you then see.
Server Setup Guide 2354133840106532591S600x600Q85

While you have it open, press "File-> Save As" and save it as config.cfg (or whatever the file was named when you opened it.
Server Setup Guide 2196671720106532591S600x600Q85

OK, you've saved the file? Do you know what to do with it now? If not, read the other guides I made, if you do, go ahead and do it. Make an admin/password for the server admins to use. Make a password so no nabs get in and ruin you wonderful gameplay or just to feel better cause you're the best in your clan and here, you can PWN your teammates without feeling like a n@b when some hotshot comes on the server, kicking ass and taking names.
Oioioi, that was a bit outta line there. Ok, back to the topic.

So, you've edited the config.cfg file and saved ti JUST the way you like it. Now, upload it to the server by dragging it into the window where you already see the config.cfg fil
Server Setup Guide 2587500290106532591S600x600Q85

Now, there's some strange box with loads of options and you have no clue as to what to chose. Fret not my friend, I'm here to tell you. Chose "overwrite" and press OK. That wasn't so hard right?
Server Setup Guide 2960441450106532591S600x600Q85

Now, we want to launch the new server and see if it's all working so, download Remote Admin from and log onto your server with the admin/password you have from the place you got the server (or if you changed it, use that). Do as the picture says and all should be up and running smoothely. Press "Send" and you're done.
Server Setup Guide 2035453760106532591S600x600Q85

Now you can start BV and see if it all works. If not, don't blame me. You fucked up somewhere along the way and you need to start aaaaall over again. Yeah, I know. Life's a bitch but, someone's gotta fudge her right? Too bad you're that guy Smile

- Crapper

Last edited by Crapper on Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:08 am; edited 1 time in total

Friendless Babo
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Server Setup Guide Empty Re: Server Setup Guide

Post by cmnndr Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:20 am

Jesus Christ! Shocked
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Server Setup Guide Empty Re: Server Setup Guide

Post by Crapper Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:22 am

Yes my son?

- Jesus

Friendless Babo
Friendless Babo

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Server Setup Guide Empty Re: Server Setup Guide

Post by cmnndr Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:25 am


P.S. Very good thread Crapp Wink I'm impressed. Very Happy
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Server Setup Guide Empty Re: Server Setup Guide

Post by dad0 Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:51 pm

Crapper why did u took my carpet dude?

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Server Setup Guide Empty Re: Server Setup Guide

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