
Basic Rules for Realsquads

The following rules apply to players who use any of the Realsquads [pordesign.eu and TGF-]. These servers have passwords so that the only players who are allowed to use them are the players who understand these rules. Please read these rules carefully. If there is any confusion, ask for clarification on the forum.


A clan match (known by most people as a "cm") takes priority over all other activities. The two basic types of activities are listed below in order of priority:

  1. Clan matches – a match involving two opposing clans, where each clan has at least three players on their team.

  2. Competitions – a pre-organised event where several players compete.

These must not be interrupted while they are ongoing. Any other activities may be started, but all of the players involved must understand that they must stop if either of the above activities begins.


  1. Hacking: Don't hack or use hacks. Hack = ban.

  2. Interrupting: Players must not interrupt ongoing activities. This includes, but is not limited to:

    1. Joining an activity without permission. Ask if you are allowed to join first, and only join if someone says yes. If someone says no, or there is no response, do not join. You may be instantly banned for this.

      Example: Joining an ongoing cm when you do not belong to either of the clans that are playing, and/or you have not been asked to join.

    2. Chatting during a game

      Example: Talking to every player on the server while spectating instead of using Team Chat Protip: press the 'Y' key to only talk to spectators.

    3. Spamming during a game

      Example: Repeatedly using macros or talking in a way that constantly interrupts other players.

  3. Abuse: do not abuse other players. This includes, but is not limited to, racism and excessive swearing.

  4. Password: Do not give away the password. Only authorised people may do this. If you do not know whether you are authorised, then you are not.


Any players that do not follow these rules will be warned and/or banned. Players that are continually abusive will be globally banned. It is the decision of the admin(s) present whether a warning is necessary rather than a ban. Only one warning will be given, after which a ban will be given.

Players may appeal against a ban if they feel that it is unfair. The admin(s) who banned the player concerned will explain the reason for the ban. The ban may be lifted after some time, however this will happen rarely.

Again, please read these rules carefully. To be given the password for Realsquads, you must understand and follow these rules. Thank you.

General Guidelines

Think before you join. Do not act like an idiot. Do not spread the password to anyone or everyone, even if you think that they will not spread it in turn. Remember that the aim of these rules is to make Realsquads a place for organised games.